
Who is Felix De Gracia?

I'm a software developer, with experience in Python and the Django web framework. I'm comfortable with JavaScript for the front-end especially with the Backbone.js framework.

My skills

I have worked in several projects as developer, some as full-stack others as contributor. All of then adding value to the business.

Those are some of the languages and frameworks that I have projects up and running:

What I do?

Currently I'm a full-time employee for a company part of a business group in Dominican Republic, we create solutions to be used by our internal and external customers for day-to-day tasks and daemons that keeps things up to date aligned to the business logic.

Something else?

I like to play the guitar between features, playing some rill before a pull request make me feel like a Rockstar.

I also enjoy running a couple times a week.

Contact me

If you'd like to contact me please send me an email to felixdegracia@gmail.com.